Friday, January 16, 2015

Family Fun in the Freezing Cold.

It warmed up to a whopping 23* outside this morning so we all bundled up and ventured outside. Teá practiced riding her new tricycle, we ran and made footprints in the snow all around our yard, the girls rode in their little plastic car, and we found a small sheet of ice that we used as a mini ice rink under the apple tree that everyone (not including my pregnant self) practiced "skating" on. I really cannot wait for warmer days, but still very grateful for a little fresh air and family time outside the confines of our home.

Both girls kept slipping on the ice. Poor Amaryn didn't quite understand, she kept walking off the ice, and then running on as fast as she could only to wipe out almost immediately. Miraculously, Jason had a few close calls but never actually fell down.

Amaryn kept revisiting these stairs of death. Sheets of ice on each step!

New England continues to reveal new sightings to me. I've never seen ice coming out of the gutters like flowing water frozen mid stream before. Reminds me of a small waterfall I saw the other day, frozen just like this. It was beautiful.

Jason and Teá have a double date tonight with cousins and are going to see Disney Princesses on ice. So the sheet of ice turned ice rink in our yard was quite fitting and the perfect prelude to tonight's show. I'm sure they are going to have a great time. Part of our motivation in getting the girls outside and running around this morning was to hopefully ware Teá out enough to get her to nap this afternoon. We'll see how that goes, I'm pretty skeptical about that happening. It just never works out that way.

Off to make the crew lunch. Happy Friday!!

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