During our evening discussion last night, Jason and I got to talking about college days and classes. I'm a school nerd, I loved the classroom, studying, and learning. I often think about school and dream of going back and getting another degree or taking more classes, but then reality reminds me of my present state in life. The thing is, it sure sounds like fun, but thankfully I can reason that it wouldn't really be that great. I'm not my 20 year old self anymore. I have different responsibilities. I don't have hours of extra time for study and homework and classes and labs. I'd be juggling a lot. Even if I could make the time, I wouldn't want to. I want to be home with my kids as much as possible, because it really does go by so fast. They are little for only a very short time. I want to see them grow and be there for every waking minute guiding and watching them grow. I don't think I'll look back at my life and think, "I wish I hadn't stayed home during those years with my children."
Thankfully, the classroom environment I love so much has become a part of my everyday. With a discovering and curious preschooler and a toddler following quickly behind, I'm always learning with them and getting the awesome opportunity to pass along what I've already learned. How great is that?!
Teá and I have been dipping our toes in the homeschooling waters this year for preschool. So far I'm loving it and so is she! What I love most is that the curriculum we chose has a different emphasis (at least for pre-k and kindergarten) than learning letters, phonics, counting, and numbers. The emphasis is on the formation of their character and a spiritual foundation. Each month I review how she's been doing in the subjects and included in the review are questions about her character, her obedience, her cheerfulness when completing tasks, etc. The homeschooling curriculum is more than just a curriculum to help her learn core subjects, but it aligns itself with my goals as a parent with the true subject of life being Jesus and who we are in Him and how we should therefore live. Knowing Him, knowing ourselves through Him, honoring and obeying Him, and ultimately being in Heaven with Him. I'm all for homeschooling, or any schooling, if that's the emphasis and end goal! Give me numbers and letters sure, but give me Jesus too.
So today in religion Teá made a creation booklet. She learned that God made the world and everything in it. We cut up an apple and looked at the seeds. We need seeds to grow an apple tree, but God didn't need anything, He created it from nothing. He also created the seeds in the apple so we could be participants in adding to and continuing His good creation. Teá totally got it because she helped us plant a garden last summer and remembered very well planting the seeds, watering them, weeding, and eventually seeing the plants grow and produce food. SO MANY SPIRITUAL PARALLELS!! I can't wait for our discussions during gardening this coming summer!
Teá also practiced writing letters and surprised me with writing her name, along with DAD and PAPA! Go Teá! I asked her to try writing MOM, but it needs a bit of work, looks more like WOW, but she'll get there soon enough. :)
We're all so proud of you, Teá! Lots of hard work practicing writing and I love your excitement as you see it pay off! |
Teá is also growing in her culinary and domestic skills. She continues to love helping out in the kitchen, often cutting, stirring, measuring, and pouring. She recently learned to fold, so obviously I'm harnessing that enthusiasm for as long as I can.
She lays it out as flat as she can get it first. Notice Rosie, her stuffed pig, perched nearby. |
Then, she folds it a couple of times and ta-da! Done! Thanks to Teá, Rosie is learning the ins and outs of folding as well. |
She's so careful to do it just right. Rosie continues observing. |
Maybe it's just me, but I think she's pretty darn adorable and I can't imagine a better little helper. Teá especially seems very nurturing and motherly. She's mentioned helping me with the new baby's diapers once she's born...dare I get excited yet but, sure thing, Teá!! Blessings upon blessings haha!
I'll cherish these moments that make up the days always. I never fathomed that I'd learn so much outside the classroom and in the home. As I teach my kids, I am learning with them. As I think about their growth in character and holiness, I think of my own. I love that God uses every little and big opportunity to stretch and grow us closer to Him. I'm thankful and absolutely LOVE that my kids are vessels that God uses to help ME grow! So often I think I'm teaching them, but its just as true the other way around that they are teaching me!!